Scent Games Part 3 – Dog Behaviour Trainer Sydney

Scent games are a great way to keep your dog’s mind busy. A busy dog is a tired dog… And a tired dog is a good dog!

Dog’s sense of smell is amazing. For example, when eating they can smell every ingredient in the food, not just the delicious meat. As a dog behaviour trainer in Sydney, I always remind dog owners of the importance of mental stimulation. It doesn’t only keep your dog happy, but also prevents behavioural issues.

Here are a few examples of scent games you can play with your dog from your dog behaviour trainer in Sydney.

Where’s Dinner?

Wild dogs have to find and hunt food every day to survive. Our dogs know exactly where their food bowl is kept. But what if the bowl was in a different spot the next time you feed your dog? She would begin looking for it.

Scent Trails

Food isn’t the only thing dogs are interested in, other scents such as essential oils can also be used for scent games.

Put a few drops of essential oil onto your dog’s favourite toy. Then, play a game of fetch, followed by a delicious reward. Repeat this a few times per day.

The next day hide the same toy, rubbing it onto floor leading a few meters away from the ball, creating a trail to the ball. Then let the dog into the room where the trail begins and say, “Find your toy!” Praise her when she follows the trail. When she finds the ball, reward her! Once mastered inside, move it out into the yard.

Dog Behaviour Trainer Sydney – Private Home Dog Training & Dog Training Classes Inner West Sydney

The dog training methods used in my Eazy Dog Training School are positive, reward-based and fun for both you and your dog. And no, reward-based training doesn’t mean that you’re bribing your dog with treats to do what you want or that you’ll need to use rewards forever. Reward-based training is motivational and scientifically the most efficient dog training method. And rewards aren’t always food! You can use anything your dog likes, a favourite toy, favourite food or even a game. However, rewards will be faded out eventually. But at the beginning it’s important to use them!

My dog training methods are based on rewarding the desired behaviour and motivating your dog so that he will repeat the desired behaviour.

What is behavioural dog training?

Behavioural dog training teaches your dog how to act and behave in an appropriate manner.Behavioural training can achieve this! By implementing some simple exercises and house rules for your dog, you will be able to better manage him.

Adult Dog Classes

Eazy Dog Training Obedience and Dog Manners Classes run for 4 weeks. Training includes learning basic manners and how dogs learn, and then moves on to more advanced exercises such as stay, not jumping up, walking on a loose lead with distractions, coming when called with distractions, leave it, focus exercises, maintaining control and so on.

I also run beginners dog agility classes!

Classes run every 4-6 weeks.

Book today!

dog behaviour trainer Sydney