Recall Training in Sydney – Dog Training Sydney

Do you struggle with recall? Does your dog come to you only when nothing else is around? Join my Recall Class!

4-week Dog Manners Course Focused on Recall Training only $149!
60 minute lessons. Maximum 10 dogs per class.
Location: Glebe Foreshore Parks (next to Annandale Pet-O)
Date:Next start date 20th of July
  • This Dog Manners Training in Sydney is suitable for all dogs, no matter the breed, age or skill level.
  • Learn recall skills needed for off lead fun!


Recall Training in Sydney

Recall – the ability to have your dog come back to you when called-is by far the most important and often the most difficult command to train. A reliable recall means that your dog will choose to come to you every time when called. Eazy Dog Training offers Recall Training in Sydney that focus on reliable obedience in every situation.

Why is a reliable recall difficult to train? Why won’t dogs just come when called?

The key to understanding this is to look at the situation from the dog’s point of view. The most common situation where we call our dog is on a walk when the dog is off-lead. This is often the most exciting part of their day with many different things to see and experience. There are other dogs to play with, people, birds, smells etc. around them and the freedom to roam where ever they want to. Would you choose to be on lead instead?

Dogs choose to do what is most rewarding for them.

So a dog ignoring your recall command at the off-lead park simply finds it more rewarding to continue playing and exploring than it is to obey the command. Dogs, just like people, are constantly weighing up the costs and benefits of their behaviour. To succeed in recall training, we must be more exciting and more rewarding than anything else around. And this is the reason so many dog owners find recall training challenging.

Lucky for us reliable recall can be trained. It’s a combination of using right kind of reward that motivates your dog to come back to you, practises that focus on making it successful for your dog to choose you over other things and controlling the environment, better known as distraction training.

This 4 week recall course teaches you how to motivate your dog to come back to you every time when called, how to train a reliable recall step by step and how to add distractions to your training. We will start on lead and work our way towards off lead recall.

Book Your Recall Training Now

recall training Sydney