Puppy School Vs. Obedience Classes

Puppy School Vs. Obedience Classes

Puppy School & Obedience Classes in Sydney

People often call me to ask which one of the classes they should book, a basic obedience or puppy class, let me explain the difference here. Puppy school versus obedience classes, what is the difference?

Roughly, if you have a puppy who is 8-16 weeks of age and you haven’t done puppy school yet, definitely puppy school is the right way to go. Puppy school provides basic obedience training suitable for puppies’ ability to focus and learn, crucial early socialisation and all the important education a puppy owner needs. Puppy biting, toilet training, chewing, learning to walk on a leash etc. are all puppy basics covered in puppy classes. You also have a chance to ask questions and advice.

An obedience class is more advanced training focused on distraction training and proofing basic obedience commands. We no longer cover puppy basics or provide advice for managing puppy behaviours. These classes are suitable for all fully vaccinated dogs from complete beginner dogs to more advanced since all training is always adjusted to everyone’s skill level. This is crucial for learning, not all dogs have the same skill set.

My recommendation is to start nice and early with puppy school first and then progress to obedience classes to ensure you provide age-appropriate training that is adjusted to your dog’s ability to learn and current skills. No puppy school can provide training that’s good enough for the rest of the dog’s life. Dogs go through development phases just like us and a lot of people start to struggle a bit when their dog becomes a teenager who is more independent. So obedience training is always required on top of the basic puppy training!

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