How to Find a Good Puppy Preschool in Sydney?

How to Find a Good Puppy Preschool in Sydney?

There are lots of puppy preschools in Sydney. They are been run by vets, vet nurses, dog trainers, self-taught dog trainers and dog lovers with good intensions. No wonder it might be difficult to choose! But to ensure your puppy gets the best start in life, you should spend some time choosing one. A good puppy preschool in Sydney might be hard to find…if you don’t know what to focus on!

Experienced, positive dog trainer in Sydney is a rare find!

How many people that train dogs have experience doing so? In my opinion, an experienced dog trainer doesn’t only tell others what to do, they also train their own dogs. I’ve actively trained dogs for the last 10 years, without forgetting my own. I’ve trained obedience and agility in the competition level for over 6 years, while doing nose work and participating in dog shows. This is something that has taught me a lot not just about dogs but myself as a trainer.

A positive approach is the most efficient training method, whether we talk about people or animals.

And it’s very important especially with a puppy, because they are learning all the time. This means that they learn whether things around them are nice or not. When a dog decides they are not, you’ll end up with behaviour issues such as timidness, aggressions, fearfulness etc. Doesn’t sound good, does it? So don’t risk it by using negative or harsh training methods!

puppy preschool in Sydney