Puppy Preschool Marrickville – Why Should You Join?

Puppy preschool are everywhere nowadays, but why? What are the benefits of puppy preschool?

I’ve been running puppy preschools for years now and every once in awhile someone asks me why they should take it. There are many benefits to taking puppy school and socialisation is one of the most important ones. And no, it doesn’t mean puppy play. Socialisation, when it comes to training dogs, means introducing your dog to our human world in a positive way. Dogs need to get used to different people, animals, situations and environments to feel confident and comfortable.  And this is what a puppy preschool does – it helps you to do this in the right way!

Professional Advice

A good puppy preschool is run by an experienced, professional dog trainer. Therefore, it’s good to remember that vets and vet nurses have studied medicine, not dog training. They might have some experience in it and understand canine behaviour, but if they don’t train dogs for a living, they don’t really compare to a proper dog trainer.

Experienced Advice

An experienced dog trainer has trained dogs for a living. This means that they’ve met hundreds of dogs and learnt what works and what doesn’t. They can offer you great insight to understanding your own dog!

Other Puppies

And yes, puppy play is part of socialisation. Puppy preschools are run in safe and clean environments with minimum risk of getting any dangerous diseases. This is a great opportunity to start introducing other dogs to your puppy.

My Puppy Preschool in Marrickville – Book Today 0493933613

I’ve been training dogs for over 10 years now. I used to compete in obedience and now I compete in agility. My own dog is very sweet and calm and it’s due my training. This is what I focus on passing on to puppies in my class. I want all the puppies in my puppy school to grow up to be friendly, social, happy and well behaved!

puppy preschool