Puppy Class Annandale

Are You Looking for Puppy Class in Annandale, Puppy Training in Leichhardt, Puppy Preschool in Stanmore?

Join my Puppy School Leichhardt!


Monday nights at 7.00pm-8.00pm

Next Start Date 9th of October 2019

Puppy Class in Annandale in Pawsum Dog Daycare & Grooming Salon

puppy training Marrickville

1st Class: Basic Obedience and Canine Training

First class is all about learning how to train a dog, especially a young puppy. We will practise the important steps needed for all dog training. We will practise basic commands (Sit, Down, Stay, Recall) and learn the importance of a puppy’s point of view. You will also be educated about the basics of toilet training.

2nd Class: Socialisation in a positive way

The second class of my puppy school is all about learning about dogs’ body language. Learn how to prevent behavioural issues and recognise the signs a dog might show in different situations. We will learn the importance of proper socialisation and how to do it right in a positive way.

3rd Class: Polite Manners, on Lead and Meeting others

Third class is all about manners. Learn how to walk your puppy and greet & meet in a polite manner. Learn to stop and prevent jumping up.

4th Class: Mental Stimulation

Fourth class will teach us the importance of mental stimulation in order to prevent behavioural issues. Most behavioural problems are caused by boredom. Learn how to entertain your puppy’s brain and keep them mentally stimulated. We also learn about puppy biting and how to prevent it.

Positive Dog Training – Eazy Dog Training Sydney

I only use a positive dog training method called ‘positive reinforcement’.

This means using rewards such as treats, cuddles, toys, attention, play etc. to motivate a dog to do things for us.

Finding a good dog trainer has never been more difficult than it is today. Finding a professional and experienced dog trainer with the skills and knowledge to help you is difficult! But the reality is that there are still a lot of old school dominance and punishment-based trainers out there.

My experience is that most of the issues dogs have are caused by our lack of understanding regarding dog behaviour. We can’t expect our dogs to behave like us or to understand the world the way we do! Something small can easily become a big issue over time. When you know the reason behind a particular behaviour, positive training methods can alter the behaviour in a dog-friendly way.