Kids & Dogs – Obedience Training

What to Teach Kids and Dogs So Everyone Gets Along – Obedience Training Sydney

Kids and dogs can be a great mix, but it can also be quite difficult to handle at times. However, some rules for both will make a huge difference. Here’s Obedience Training Sydney advice.

How to Touch a Dog

First, there’s a right way and many wrong ways to touch a dog. Little kids in particular often want to hug dogs. To humans, hugs signify affection but to dogs, however, they are a form of restraint. A small percentage of dogs might even enjoy being hugged, but many of them simply tolerate it. And some won’t tolerate it at all. Teach your kids, along with any visiting children, not to hug the dog, but to pet him properly instead.

Teach your kids to pet the dog with long, gentle strokes on the dog’s chest and, as long as the dog is accepting of it, move on to other parts of the body.

How to Play with a Dog

Especially boys love to wrestle with dogs. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy for a child to get hurt, since classic canine wrestling maneuvers include using teeth. So it’s best to avoid this kind of playing.

Speaking of games, chasing isn’t the best game to play either… At least if it includes chasing a person instead of a toy. Dogs, especially when young, tend to jump up and nip when chasing.

Did you bring home a brand new family member? Does it feel a bit overwhelming?

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