Fun Scent Games Your Dog Will Love Part 1

Dog Trainer Inner West Sydney

Dogs are Masters of Smell

Eazy Dog Training has been educating dog owners about dogs in Sydney for 4 years now and offers dog training in Inner West Sydney.

Sometimes when training dogs we forget the most powerful asset we have. A dog’s sense of smell! Next time when your dog ignores you, try getting her attention by placing something smelly in front of her nose. I bet you’ll get her attention right away!

Did you know that newborn puppies are essentially blind at birth but their sense of smell is fully developed and active? We have only six million olfactory receptors, when dogs have up to 300 million. Additionally, the part of the brain that analyses smells is 40 times bigger in dogs than humans. It’s a dog’s most powerful sense! And often the one we humans overlook the most.

dog training in Inner West Sydney

Find the Food

Finding food is a very simple way to engage your dog’s sense of smell. Simply hide treats randomly around the home in the hopes that she will locate them by scent. Once she finds the first one, often by accident, she will quickly start looking for the others. Start by placing one or two treats down in full view to make it easier for her to get the idea.

Pick the Hand

This is an easy game to play with a dog while teaching them to use their nose. Hide a treat in your fist and place both of them in front of her. Let her sniff and find the one with the treat. Reward with a praise ‘Good girl!’ and let her have the treat. You can use a vocal cue “find it” while she’s sniffing your hands.

Dog Training in Inner West Sydney Call 0493933613

During the private dog training lesson, your professional dog trainer will:

  • Assess your dog and the environment.
  • Plan a training program for you and your dog.
  • Give you advice on how to control behavioural problems.
  • Demonstrate the commands and training plan.
  • Train both you and your dog.
  • Training is tailored to each individual dog.