Fast Recall – Recall Training Class Sydney

Teach Your Dog a Fast Recall

Recall Training Class Sydney is a great way to ensure reliable ‘come’ command!

Recall – coming when called- may very well be the single most important thing you can teach your dog. A dog with a reliable recall can be given more freedom to run and play in off leash areas. Dogs who get to run and play freely are generally healthier and happier, physically and mentally, and much easier to live with. This is due burning off excess energy by running around. A tired dog is a happy dog!

A recall should always be positive. Using rewards such as treats or a chance to play help associating recall with good things. And just like anything else, practising in different situations is very important. Never associate recall with something negative! Certainly never call your dog to you and then punish her.

Unlike old-fashioned dominance training, where you face your dog as a pack leader, order her to come, and jerk on the leash if she doesn’t, a positive trainer teaches the recall as another fun game to play with you. I teach “recall games” to my dog by calling her name and then running away fast. Catching me is rewarded with treats or a playtime (tug of war works very well for this!). This way your dog learns that “Come!” is an irresistible invitation to play the chase game.

If you struggle with your recall training, join my reliable recall training class in Sydney!