Dog Trainer Roselands – Behaviour Issues, Basic & Puppy Training

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2 Quick Ways to Calm Your Rough Playing Dog

Advice on calming down rough play from your local dog trainer in Roselands.

Did you know that play can be too rough? Some dogs go from zero to 60 in two seconds flat, jumping, zooming, pinning others down and even nipping in their exuberance. While this can be annoying with a 2 kilo little dog, it’s downright dangerous with a 30 kilo bousterous labrador. How do you know when play is too much?

To determine if playing is still mutual and not fighting, look at all the dogs in the mix.

Is their body posture curvy and bouncy? Good. Is it stiff and straight? Not good. Is there a lot of back and forth between the dogs, each taking turns as to who is on top or chasing the other? Good. Does one dog look like he’s trying to move away and avoid the other? Not good. If you think the play is one-sided, intervene. Play is only play if it’s mutual, otherwise it’s bullying.

Even if you think that play is fine, it’s a good idea to interrupt it now and again. Call your dog over for some treats, calm down a bit and then release him back into play. This can help prevent play from escalationg into something less friendly.

1. Exercise Your Dog Enough

Many dogs simply don’t get the exercise they need, in fact the visit to the dog park is often the only exercise. Lomg walks off leash are great, they offer plenty of exercise and mental stimulation in a form of sniffing. You can also encourage cardio activity with games such as fetch, recall games and a flirt pole toy. Swimming is also a great low-impact exercise, especially during summertime.

2. Teach Your Dog to Calm Down Too

It’s very important to teach a dog to calm down and amuse himself. You or other dogs shouldn’t be the main entertainment at all times. Give your dog some hard chew toys, bones and a long-term, food-stuffed toys while giving him alone time in the yard, in his crate or in another room. This is especially good to do when you want to watch TV or eat dinner in peace.