Dog Obedience Classes Near Me – Manage Your Dog’s Learning

Eazy Dog Training – Manage Your Dog’s Learning

Dog Obedience Classes Near Me

A lot of people have puppies now and as much fun it is to own one, raising and training them is a full-time job. Puppies learn all the time and that means that we need to pay special attention to their learning environment. Is the environment reinforcing the behaviour you want or is it too distracting and rewarding for the wrong things? Eazy Dog Training runs obedience classes in Sydney that are suitable for dogs over 16 weeks of age. Simply google ‘dog obedience classes near me’ to see your options!


Dog Parks – Breeding grounds for bad experiences

Dog parks might provide other dogs to play with, but the set up is way too random to be used with young puppies. One bad experience can affect your pup for the rest of their life! Focus on managing the early socialisation and only interact with well-behaved, friendly and social dogs with your young pup.


Dog Daycares – Breeding grounds for bad behaviours

I used to work in dog daycares for over 4 years. Let me list problems that are caused there:

  • Over-excitement: most dogs come there for the whole workday. This is too much for most dogs, the environment is very over-whelming and can reinforce over-excitement issues due to too much free play.
  • Bad experiences: whenever we have more than a few dogs in the same space we can expect issues. Some dogs have great social manners, some do not. Negative experiences with other dogs will happen in this kind of setups, it’s only a matter of time.
  • Anxiety: there will always be at least one anxious dog in daycare, this is not a good learning environment or behaviour for pups to copy.
  • Unwanted behaviours: barking, jumping up on people, peeing inside, pulling on lead…These are just the most common issues your dog might learn in daycares due to lack of control. Daycares are very loud places, with very little control, with a lot of other dogs reinforcing these behaviours for your dog too. Think if you want these to be reinforced!
  • Lack of interest in the owner: when a dog learns that other dogs are the source of fun and entertainment, they start to pay less and less attention to their owner. This causes control issues around other dogs.


Manage the learning environment – Choose positive experiences and situations

Observe first to ensure good manners and positive learning environment before socialising with random dogs. Short play trips to daycare would be a lot better situation than full 8h. Even better, if you can organise some playmates for your dog that you meet regularly.

But most importantly, focus on manners training first, teaching your dog how to behave in new situations and how to stay connected with you even around distractions.


Dog Obedience Classes Near Me – Check out classes near you!