How to Help Shy, Fearful or Anxious Dogs

Dog behaviour training can be quite time consuming and difficult. If you have ever owned a dog who is shy, anxious or fearful, you know how challenging it can be to help her feel comfortable. You want to reassure your dog and protect her, but at the same time, you know she’s got to learn to stand on her own four paws. What should you do? Here are a few ways to help.

Respect your dog’s feelings.

Always go at your dog’s pace. Pushing a dog to face their fear doesn’t work, it usually makes the issue worse. Monitor carefully for signs of stress so you’ll know whether to proceed.


Desensitisation means exposing your dog to the scary thing in a gradual and positive way. Never force your dog to confront the trigger in a way that is overwhelming.

Classical Conditioning

Use classical conditioning to change the way your dog feels. This means pairing the scary thing with something your dog truly loves.

Dog Behaviour Training

It’s always best to contact a professional dog trainer to help you with dog behaviour training. They can teach you how to correctly read your dog and show you training methods that work for your dog and in your situation.

dog trainer inner west Sydney

Your Positive Dog Trainer in Sydney

I provide professional dog behaviour training in Sydney, in the Inner West, city and surrounding areas. I’m here to help you to build the best possible relationship between you and your pooch with amazing results.

I have 10 years of experience in dog training and have successfully rehabilitated many reactive dogs. As a dog trainer in Sydney, I specialise in obedience training and use reward based positive training methods combined with vocal correction when and if needed.

The training session can be held at your own home or at one of our beautiful Inner West Sydney Parks.