Dog agility is a fun and exciting sport for dogs and their owners to get fit together.

In agility training dogs will learn to perform fun obstacles such as jumps, hoops, tunnels, weaving poles, scramble, dog walk, table and see saw as fast as possible. It’s the fastest growing dog sport and suitable for most breeds from Chihuahuas to Great Danes.

Dog agility is all about having fun with your dog and learning to work together as a team. Therefore it’s a suitable sport for everyone, whether you are just looking for something exciting to do with your dog or dreaming about agility trials in the future.

But agility has other benefits as well, it’s not just having fun with your dog.

It’s also a great mental and physical exercise that can help with basic obedience, impulse control and even problem behaviour. Here are just a few things that agility can help you with.

The benefits of agility training:

– Solve behaviour problems
– Exercise your dog mentally and physically
– Improve off-leash manners
– Learn about training and communicating with your dog
– Build a strong bond between you and your dog
– Gain cool skills to show off to people
– Have a hell of a lot of fun!

Dog agility training is all about building a common language between dog and owner.

It teaches you to use your own body to communicate clearly and effectively. It also provides the kind of exercise that improves a dog’s behaviour because it’s not only hard physical exercise but also hard thinking work for your dog. Because your dog has to pay attention to you to read your body language they will learn to communicate better with you. And since boredom is the leading cause of behaviour problems, agility training will help with problem behaviours as well. So, dog agility provides the perfect combination of physical exercise and mental stimulation to keep your dog entertained and out of trouble!

Join my dog agility training!

Training starts with Beginners/foundation class where you will learn the basics of dog agility training and a safe way to perform all the obstacles. After Beginners Class you can continue your training towards more challenging exercises and dog handling. Because improving your skills takes a lot of practise I will not only train you in your class, I’ll make sure that you go home with exercises you can practise to improve your agility skills without even having any agility equipment.

Agility training includes:

– the basics and a safe way of performing agility contact equipment
– jumping over hurdles and through hoops
– running through tunnels
– performing obstacle courses
– holding position exercises
– learning to use fitness equipment to build core strength and confidence in balancing exercises
– improving your dog’s body awareness
– learning dog handling skills
– building up speed

If your dog’s under 9 months old the training will focus on equipment introduction, handling techniques and building up confidence.

There are many things that you can practise and learn without putting too much pressure on your dog’s growing bones and joints.

Beginners dog agility starts 2.2.2019! and Foundation Class in January 2019!

Check out my class schedule!