Teenage Dog – How to Handle It? – Canine Manners Training

Do you feel like your dog started acting up and developed a selective hearing all of a sudden? 

I’ve got news for you: This is normal! You haven’t done anything wrong, even dogs go through adolescence. But from a dog manners training point of view, it might be good to go back to basics for awhile. If your dog struggles to listen outside, start the training inside first and add distractions gradually. There’s no point yelling at your dog, just take a deep breath and make the training easier for some time.

Make Daily Effort

Teenage dogs aren’t known for their frustration tolerance or self-control, therefore this is a good time to remind them. One easy way to do so is to ask your dogs to earn things in daily life. Nothing in life is free! Make them work for their meals by asking them to sit. Believe me, dogs learn very quickly to control themselves to get what they really want.

This can be very challenging time, but hang in there! It will get easier, especially if you keep reinforcing training and self-control.

Eazy Dog Training Sydney – Canine Manners Training in Sydney Park and Federal Park in Glebe.

Join my manners and obedience classes in Sydney if you feel like you could freshen up your dog’s obedience skills. My classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced dogs since every dog is treated as an individual. If you think your dog has good basic skills already, I can always make it more difficult for you!

dog manners course Sydney