Ask Your Inner West Sydney Dog Trainer – Herding Hassles

Does your puppy nip at your heels as you walk around the house?

Advice From Your Inner West Sydney Dog Trainer!

This is a very common problem with herding dogs, such as border collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, German Shepherds, Kelpies etc. corralling toddlers in a corner. A herding dog is genetically programmed to chase other animals. If they aren’t around, well, humans will do just fine! This doesn’t mean you have to accept this behaviour. However it helps you to understand your puppy’s point of view.

There are a few things you can do to correct this behaviour

Herding dogs are working dogs with a lot of energy. They need a job to do. Give your puppy more suitable outlets for his energy and herding behaviours will decrease if not stop all together. Play fetch, train obedience or agility, give him food-stuffed toys and puzzles or set up puppy playdates with other puppies. A tired puppy is less likely to chase.

Teach your dog that nipping hurts.

Never play with your dog by getting them to chase you or any parts of you, like your hands. This will only reinforce chasing and nipping people. Use a toy for playtime. And if your dog nips at you, squeal out loud and move away from him. Don’t give him any attention for a few minutes.

Teach your dog to chase something else.

Ball games and frisbees are great for herding dogs. There are also some great lure toys on the market. Walk and drag the lure beside you, encouraging your dog to chase that instead of you.

Your Positive Inner West Sydney Dog Trainer

I provide professional dog training in Sydney, in the Inner West, city and surrounding areas. I’m here to help you to build the best possible relationship between you and your pooch with amazing results.

I have 10 years of experience in dog training and have successfully rehabilitated many reactive dogs. As a dog trainer in Sydney, I specialise in obedience training and use reward based positive training methods combined with vocal correction when and if needed.

The training session can be held at your own home or at one of our beautiful Inner West Sydney Parks.

Dog agility training

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