Agility Training Sydney- What Can U Practise at Home?


Agility Training Sydney

Contact obstacles such as dog walk, see-saw and A-frame can be quite challenging on an agility course. And the reason is that fast dogs easily jump over the yellow contact area instead of touching it like they are supposed to. Therefore it’s good to teach your dog to stop and touch them, and for this we use “2 on 2 off” training method. Here’s advice from agility training Sydney.

2 on 2 off

This simply means teaching your dog to step on something with back legs on it and the front legs off. You can use anything, like in the photos of this post. Great things to start with is a board that’s wide enough for your dog to step on, big book, towel etc. When your dog is comfortable stepping on it and staying there, start walking over it, stopping to the 2 on 2 off position. When this goes well, you can start adding speed, always rewarding for stopping and keeping the 2 on 2 off position!

I’ve actually created my own little contact practise ramp, from kids skate board ramp they sell at K-mart. I simply covered it with liquid rubber.

Dog Agility Sydney
Dog Agility Sydney – Home Made 2 On 2 Off Ramp

Looking for Dog Agility Training in Sydney?

Eazy Dog Training runs dog agility classes in Sydney Park on Saturday mornings. You can start with beginners class and then continue your training in my on-going agility beginners group. Classes run for 4 weeks, starting every 5-6 weeks.

Check My Agility Class Schedule Here