Puppy Pre-School in Newtown – A Puppy School with a Difference!

Join a New Puppy School in Newtown – In a Home Environment!

Getting a puppy is very exciting – but it comes with a huge responsibility. Everyone wants a well-behaved and calm, dog that is easy to take anywhere. I know from personal experience how difficult life can be with a difficult dog. And I don’t wish it to my worst enemy! But raising a dog isn’t always easy. Puppies learn all the time, so the experiences they have in life – every moment- shapes their personality. Therefore, raising a puppy is all about managing the experiences they get and ensuring positive encounters. That’s why I wanted to create a puppy school that teaches all the right things, in the right way! Welcome to my home puppy pre-school in Newtown!

Toilet Training Is One of the Most Annoying Things When Raising a Puppy

Puppies learn early on where to toilet. If they are kept inside, they’ll learn to do it inside. Therefore, they need plenty of opportunities to do it outside. I’ve been running puppy school in Sydney for years and during every lesson some of the puppies toilet on the floor. This is a learning experience and teaches them to do it on the floor. My Newtown Puppy School is held outside under cover, in my own secure yard, to ensure that when your puppy needs to go, we can reward them for the right behaviour!

Lack of Socialisation – Reason for Most Problems

I’ve met many very timid puppies and adult dogs. And in most cases the reason for it is lack of socialisation. Especially with young puppies, if you keep them inside for the first 16 weeks or so, you’ll end up with behaviour problems. I guarantee this! Puppies need to be socialised in a positive way with outside world as well – and before they turn 16 weeks! But this needs to be done in a safe way without risking your puppy. My yard is a safe and secure environment. There are no sick dogs in my yard!

Puppy Pre-School in Newtown – Next Start Date in November!

Puppy Pre-School Sydney