Manners Class Sydney Park – Reliable Obedience Even at the Park!

Why Do Dogs Stop Obeying at the Park?

Did you know that dogs are situational learners? This means that they associate certain things with certain situations. For example, if you go to the dog park to play with other dogs a lot, and you never do anything else there, the dog park starts to represent crazy playtime. And you’ll lose control of your dog. Sound familiar? Eazy Dog Training runs Manners Class in Sydney Park, which is a great way to teach new behaviours to your dog. And a new meaning to the park!

Why Free Playtime Is Bad fro Your Dog?

Playing with other dogs surely is fun and needed for socialisation. But chasing your dog around when trying to leave surely is not, right? If your dog learns that the park is just for crazy playtime, your dog starts to follow their own rules, not yours. A playtime should always be under your control and it should be earned, not given for free. For example, your dog should have reliable recall before being let off the lead. This can be accomplished through training.

Join Eazy Dog Training Manners Class in Sydney Park Today And Take Back Control!

Great for all breeds and ages! Beginners class for obedience and manners. Learn focus and impulse control skills that make life with your dog easier! Book today! 

dog manners class Sydney