Why You Should Never Focus on One Thing Only

Why focusing on your specific problem becomes a problem – Advice From a Dog Trainer in Newtown

If you have ever struggled training your dog, you know how difficult it can be. For example, getting your dog to come back to you in a park full of other dogs can be a real nightmare. So how should you start dealing with this problem? Here’s my take on it, as a dog trainer in Newtown.

Think about the skills needed for the training

Before heading to the park armed with cheese, think about the actual skill set needed for the successful obedience. First of all, recall means that your dog has to understand what the word ‘come’ means. Does he? Did you associate the word correctly? Second, recall takes impulse control because it sometimes means giving up something a dog would really love to do. Have you trained impulse control? And most importantly, did you remember distraction and distance training? These are all very important things to train before you gain reliable recall.

Focusing on the problem is the problem, but why?

Did you ever struggle with something in school? Maybe one math lesson was so over-whelming that you just couldn’t understand a single thing about it. It wouldn’t have helped to stare at it and trying to figure it out, right? When something becomes too difficult, it needs to be broken into smaller, easier understandable sections. We need to do the same with our dogs and build up their skills step by step. So if your dog doesn’t come back to you in the park, it’s not the right training environment. Go back to basics and start at home. Then start adding distractions little by little.

dog trainer in Sydney

Eazy Dog Training – Your Dog Trainer in Newtown

I have been training dogs for over 10 years now and run my own dog training business in Sydney. I run manners classes, recall training classes, agility and puppy schools. I also offer private dog training Sydney wide. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need help with your dog. I guarantee positive results through positive training!