Puppy School in Marrickville

Join My New Puppy School in Sydney – And Support Maggie’s Rescue!


4-week puppy pre-school in Marrickville only $195!  Includes a training gift worth $20!
60 minute lessons. Maximum 10 dogs per class.

Wednesday evenings at 6pm-7pm

Date: Check the Class Schedule Here.

Start Date 4th of  September!


Marrickville Puppy Preschool

My Marrickville Puppy Preschool is a positive and educational 4 week puppy school. All the puppies are allowed to socialise and learn new skills in a positive way in a safe environment.

Every puppy in my Puppy Preschool in Sydney receives an amazing Eazy Dog training gift with a toy, training pouch, clicker and treats worth $20!

puppy school inner west Sydney

Suitable for puppies age 8-20 weeks
In this Puppy School in Marrickville your puppy will learn:
  • Basic obedience commands and every day manners
  • Socialisation with other puppies, people and objects like skateboard, vacuum cleaner etc.
  • Sound training
  • Leash manners and greeting/meeting manners
  • Fun tricks and games.
You will learn:
  • How to better train and raise your puppy through understanding how they experience the world.
  • Understand your puppy’s body language and prevent behavioural issues.
  • Calming dog handling techniques.
  • A dog’s view of the big wide world.
  • Advice on common ‘unwanted’ canine behaviours such as Toilet training, Biting, Jumping, Hyper-activity, Separation behaviours.

Eazy Dog Training Puppy Pre-school in Sydney includes

1st Class: Basic Obedience

First class is focused on obedience training and learning how to train a dog. We will practise the 3 steps needed for all dog training. We practise basic commands (Sit, Down, Stay, Recall) and learn the importance of a dog’s point of view when training. You will also be educated about the basics of toilet training.

2nd Class: Socialisation

Second class is all about understanding dogs’ body language and how to prevent any behavioural issues. We will learn to recognise the signs a dog might show in different situations and how to react to them. You will learn the importance of proper socialisation in a positive way and how to do it with other dogs, people, sounds and objects.

3rd Class: Polite Manners

Third class is all about learning good manners. You’ll learn how to walk your puppy and how to reinforce good behaviours when you greet & meet other dogs and people. You will also learn to stop and prevent jumping up.

4th Class: Mental Stimulation

In the fourth class you’ll learn the importance of mental exercise in order to prevent behavioural issues. Learn how to entertain your puppy’s brain and keep them mentally stimulated to prevent destructive and obsessive behaviours at home. We also learn about puppy biting and how to prevent it.

Puppy School in Marrickville

Start Your Group Training Classes Now