3 Steps to Training a Dog

Did You Know That There Are 3 Steps to Training a Dog, No Matter What Command You Train?

Dogs don’t speak English. Unfortunately, this means that we can’t explain to them what we want them to do. So we need to show them! We need to make our dog understand what we want them to do by using their own language and our own understanding of canine behaviour. This is something I always educate owners about as a dog obedience trainer in Annandale.

First Comes Body Language

First step to teaching any behaviours, is figuring out how do you get your dog to do what it is that you want. It might be sitting down, lying down, standing up etc. There are many different training techniques for this, most common positive ones are luring and shaping. Luring means using a reward to get a dog to offer the behaviour. Shaping means getting a dog to offer the behaviour on his own and then rewarding for it. I use both.

Association with a Vocal Cue Is Second

People very often start to use a vocal cue right away when they start training a new thing. There’s no need for it. Dog’s don’t speak our language so the only way for them to learn our vocal cues is through associating them with correct behaviour. So focus on your first step first, getting the body language reliable. Then start adding a vocal cue, when your dog already knows the physical behaviour needed for it.

When you start adding a vocal cue, timing is everything. You need to say your vocal command at the same time your dog is exhibiting the right behaviour. For example, say sit when your dog is sitting. Not before, not after, when he is doing it!

Last Step Is Using a Vocal cue as a Cue for the Action

If you have practised the first two steps well, you now have a dog who has associated a vocal cue with a correct behaviour. Now you can start asking your dog to do the behaviour by saying the vocal command!

Eazy Dog Training – Your Dog Obedience Trainer in Annandale

Join My Basic Dog Obedience Class in Sydney Today!

In my 4 week dog manners course we focus on all the important manners and obedience skills that make a dog a pleasure to be around. Your dog will learn great impulse control and focus exercises around other dog and people.

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