4-week Basic Obedience training course only $149!
60 minute lessons. Maximum 10 dogs per class.
Location: Glebe Federal Park (next to Annandale Pet-O)
  • Beginners class. Suitable for all dogs, no matter the breed, age or skill level.
  • Excellent for ‘therapy dog training’.
  • Training includes basic commands, greetings and passings.

dog obedience training in Sydney

Dog Obedience Training in Sydney

Basic obedience training is very important. Good manners make the relationship between a dog and owner a lot easier and it can even help to keep both of you safe in emergency situations. Teaching your dog at least some basic obedience is a vital part of being a responsible dog owner.

You may decide to teach your dog to perform all manner of impressive tricks and tasks, but those are optional. Basic manners training can seem either very simple or extremely difficult, depending on skill level. As a person who has competed in obedience training, I’m used to seeing amazing skills from dogs. It is truly unbelievable what dogs can do when trained. That kind of training obviously takes a lot of work, however any dog can and should learn at least the most basic and necessary commands.

By nature, your dog wants your approval. We have bred dogs to work for us, that’s why they have a strong need to please us. But dogs can’t do it without being taught what is expected of them. From basic obedience commands to advanced tricks and agility, dog training is a rewarding and engaging experience for both you and your dog.

This 4 week Dog Obedience Training Class teaches you better dog handling skills in a fun and positive environment.

You Will Learn
  • about dog training in general, how to add difficulty in your training and how to ensure success when working towards your goals.
  • how to better control your dog through basic obedience.


Your Dog Will Learn
  • to perform basic obedience commands and focus on you around distractions.
  • self-control and discipline in a distracting environment.
  • good greeting and meeting manners and how to ignore dogs when passing them.