Prevent Separation Anxiety by Teaching Your Puppy to Be Alone

10 most important things to teach a puppy

Prevent Separation Anxiety by Leaving Your Puppy Alone

Online separation anxiety training course helps with preventing and treating anxiety!

Dogs are social pack animals. In their own world dogs would spend most of their time in the company of their pack members. Feral dog populations teach us that wild dogs tend to exist in loose-knit social groups and choose to be in the company of their own kind. In our world, however, dogs are usually left home alone for eight to 10 hours a day or even longer. Separation anxiety in dogs is a sad testimony to this.

To avoid separation anxiety, we need to teach our puppy to be alone gradually. And not just that, we need to do it in a positive way so that your puppy feels comfortable alone. Crate training is a great way to ensure a puppy can be left safely confined while you are away.

Take at least a few days off work after your pup arrives to get her accustomed to be left alone.

Avoid making the most common mistake resulting in separation anxiety! That is, spending all of your time with the puppy at first and the suddenly leaving her alone for a long time when you go back to work. This is never a good idea!

Start leaving your puppy alone in a puppy pen, crate, outside or another room right away. Make it a positive experience by leaving her with delicious treats, bones, toys, games etc. Take advantage of the times when she’s tired! Stay close by so that you can hear the puppy. Slowly increase your distance from her and the length of time you leave her alone, until she is calm and relaxed on her own.

Check out the best online dog training courses for separation anxiety and crate training to ensure your success!

My online separation anxiety training course is excellent for preventing and helping existing anxiety!