Online Dog Training video – Better Bond in 30 Days

Build a Better Bond with Your Dog in 30 days 

Follow one simple suggestion per day to improve your dog’s behaviour and strengthen your bond with online dog training!


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Try clicker training with this online dog training video

Clicker is used to mark positive behaviours the second they occur. It’s a very efficient training tool because it improves our timing. Clicker training is excellent for especially trick training.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with clicker training it really is quite simple. Clicker is a little plastic training tool that makes a clicking sound. The basic training idea is that your dog learns that whenever he hears the clicking sound a treat is coming immediately after. So the dog starts to offer behaviours which cause the click followed by a reward. The training is quite simple: get the behavior, mark that behavior and reward the behavior. And of course, the more that the behaviour is repeated and rewarded the stronger that behavior becomes.

Try out your new clicker with this trick online dog training video!