Puppy Class Sydney – Book Today – How Old Should A Pup Be for School?

Dog Trainer Queens Park

Puppy Class Sydney – Book Today 0404 022 114 – Puppy Schools in Sydney

How old should a puppy be for puppy school?

This is something I get asked a lot. And the answer is, the sooner the better! When we think about a dog’s development into a balanced adult dog, the most important time for puppy school is between 8-12 weeks of age. Why? Because this is the most important – and sensitive – development time in your dog’s life!

This short 4 week period is the time your pup is most adaptable and open to new situations. They need to be around other people, dogs, animals, sights and sounds in a positive way to get used to it all. Otherwise you’ll risk timidness and fear based behaviours. So, a puppy school is one of the rare opportunities for your puppy to be around other dogs and people in a safe way. All pups will have had their first vaccination by 8 weeks and the school for the pups is held in a safe and secure place. Join Eazy Dog Training Puppy Class Sydney today to ensure a positive socialisation for your new best friend!